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Curriculum Intent

St John Fisher Catholic High School

Curriculum Statement of Intent

‘An all-round education seeks to develop every aspect of the individual: social, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual. For there is ecology of human growth which means that if any one of these elements is overlooked all the others suffer’ John Paul II

An Education for Life

The curriculum at St John Fisher has been carefully constructed to provide opportunities for students to develop socially, morally, spiritually, and culturally.

Our curriculum is designed to allow all students to be independent and creative thinkers and life-long learners. We want our students to secure the very best outcomes which will prepare them for the next stage of their journey where, as well- rounded and well-educated citizens, they will positively shape society and serve as witnesses to moral and spiritual values in the world.

Our curriculum reflects the high ambition and aspirations we hold for all students. We provide a fully rounded curriculum through which students are given the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects and experience the very best of what is thought, written, and created.

The National Curriculum has been used as a starting point for the construction of the whole school curriculum. We offer a broad suite of qualifications which are aligned to the National Curriculum and combine the academic rigour of traditional qualifications with vocational learning. Equally, we place high value on the arts, sport, and languages to encourage the pursuit of excellence across all academic disciplines.

Religious Education in a Catholic school is not ‘one subject among many’ but the foundation of the entire educational process. At St John Fisher, Religious Education is the core subject. This is reflected in it being a compulsory subject for all students and, in line with the requirements of the Catholic bishops of England, it being allocated 10% of the total curriculum time.

With a sustained EBacc entry, which is well above that of national average, we place academic rigour at the heart of all we do. This is supported by opportunities for all students to develop their levels of reading, literacy, and numeracy across all areas of the curriculum.

Our knowledge-rich curriculum is carefully sequenced to empower students to build their knowledge and skills over time. Teaching builds upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding. The curriculum is rigorous in covering the body of knowledge and skills required at each stage, whilst being inclusive, relevant, and engaging.

We aim to ensure our inclusive curriculum celebrates diversity and promotes tolerance and mutual respect of others.  It promotes fundamental British Values and opportunities to learn about and encounter other cultures and faiths.

Our Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationship and Sex Education programmes contribute to our student’s personal development, health, and mental well-being.

Our enrichment curriculum aims to expand the horizons of our students. All subjects supplement their academic curriculum with a range of extra-curricular opportunities ensuring that engagement with a subject extends beyond the national curriculum. We ensure that all students, regardless of background, are exposed to key places, events and experiences that will serve and deepen their cultural capital and understanding of the world beyond the classroom.