Report Absence
Leave of Absence


The aim of the PSHCE curriculum is to enable and encourage all our students to acquire the skills, understanding and key knowledge they need to thrive as individuals in all aspects of their life and to become active and responsible citizens who contribute to our society.

At the centre of all that we do as a faith community, is the understanding that each human person is made in the image and likeness of God. Our curriculum, therefore, underpins the Catholic ethos and Mission of the School and is a catalyst for the school’s principal role of teaching our students to grow and flourish as responsible Catholics in our society.

PSHCE is taught in discrete lessons in Years 7 – 11, to enable students to examine important topics in depth and to allow time for thought, discussion, and questioning. PSHCE themes are also delivered through Form Period, Assemblies and Collective Worship.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is taught at age-appropriate points in the curriculum, primarily through PSHCE, Religious Education, Science lessons and ‘drop-down’ days for all year groups which are planned and led by Religious Education specialists.

PSHCE Schemes of Work 2023-2024