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In English, so that we can thrive in and contribute towards our modern, global community we…

  • Read widely with open minds
  • Craft our writing for maximum impact
  • Speak with confidence and conviction

Our thematic curriculum prioritises a breadth of genre, writer, time-period and topic with the intention to develop well-rounded learners for life who can lean on a great wealth of knowledge to make connections and bring understanding to new information they encounter. Our ambitious sequence of units is designed so that all students, irrespective of their starting points, build expertise in decoding and responding to stimulating texts and in crafting their speech and their writing for specific, real-world audiences and purposes. By carefully linking formative and summative assessment tasks within each unit, we support our learners to become reflective as they pursue excellence in our subject and beyond it. Through extra-curricular clubs and trips, we aim for learners to engage with English on and off the page and to experience many of the ways it can enrich their lives.

Learning Journey Year 7

Learning Journey Year 8

Learning Journey Year 9

Learning Journey Year 10

Learning Journey Year 11 (2024-2025)

Learning Journey Year 11 (2025-2026)