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Modern Foreign Languages


As part of an all-round education, languages offer liberation from insularity and equip  students with the skills of independent and creative thinking needed to make the most of the opportunities and responsibilities needed to be successful in today’s global society.

Our aspirational and ambitious knowledge rich curriculum is constructed to ensure:

  • Students’ learning builds upon the foundations laid at Key Stage 2 and are given the skills for learning further languages equipping them for the next stage in their learning journey and to support travel, study or work in other countries.
  • Students are engaged and enthused to be confident and fluid communicators both within and beyond the classroom, reinforcing many literacy and oracy skills from English.
  • Students’ self-efficacy and motivation are promoted through the study of themes chosen to meet their needs and to be within their realm of experience.
  • Students’ learning is durable through the recycling of clearly identified key vocabulary and language patterns that can be recycled across a number of themes.
  • Students deepen their knowledge about how language works and enrich their vocab in order for them to increase their independent use of more sophisticated language in a wide range of contexts.
  • Students rise to the challenge of a subject that demands academic rigour and in which the cultural capital of students from all backgrounds is developed by sparking their curiosity for other cultures and communities beyond their own.
  • Students can compare and contrast Fundamental British values with those of the cultures and communities they study and can demonstrate our school’s Catholic values of Compassion, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Service and Tolerance.

Learning Journey Year 7

Learning Journey Year 8

Learning Journey Year 9

Learning Journey Year 10

Learning Journey Year 11 (2024-2025)