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Summertime in the Music Department

Congratulations go to the fourteen St. John Fisher students who took an ABRSM exam here at school as part of our summer centre visit at the weekend. All passed their exams with many receiving merits and distinctions. Mr Ratcliffe, Head of Music commented "It was great to get such a positive response from the visiting examiner about the breadth of provision here at school and how St. John Fisher is working so hard to promote and achieve in music". Well done to all!
Thanks also go to the Junior Choir and musicians who supported our school feast day mass last week. With over 800 students celebrating the feast of St. John Fisher in our sports hall, our students led worship impeccably with a rousing rock version of Be Thou My Vision to close.
Our Year 10 students last night performed in their second 'Live lounge' of the year to an appreciative audience of classmates, friends and family. The event, organised solely by Year 10 themselves, featured solos and ensembles pieces including everything from harp to funk bands. Students also took the time to say a big thank you to Miss Longbottom who leaves us in the summer for Millthorpe School in York by dedicating performances and compositions to her. Big thanks go to Michelle for compering the evening and performing as a soloist.
As the term draws to a close, the Music and Performing Arts department continues to be busy with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang next week, a performance at the Great Yorkshire Show by the Senior Jazz Orchestra, the PA trip to London and Junior Choir and musicians supporting the Diocesan Feast of St. Benedict mass at Fountains Abbey.
Mention must also go to Mr Ratcliffe who was delighted to be invited to a star studded garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the creative industries. "Whilst the invitation came through Harrogate International Festivals for whom I am a trustee, I was also pleased to represent the many young people involved in the arts and education, and of course St. John Fisher" said Mr Ratcliffe. SJF shares a close relationship with HIF who support our ticketing for events and give unique opportunities for students to attend concerts and events throughout the year. Pictured is Mr Ratcliffe with HIF CEO Sharon Canavar and star saxophone player Jess Gillam.
More pictures of our July events to follow!